





1. 有效护照(必须在签证到期后180天内有效)
2. 商务或旅游签证的签证邀请函
3. 邀请函有效期内的保险单
4. 一张3.5cm x 4.5cm灰底彩色免冠正面照片,面部无遮挡
5. 填写好俄罗斯外交部网站的申请表 https://visa.kdmid.ru/PetitionChoice.aspx





List of open countries (08.11.2021)
  1. Albania (RP of 28.07.2021 No.2084-r)
  2. Andorra (RP of 02.10.2021 No. 2770-r)
  3. Armenia (RP No. 228-r dated 03.02.2021)
  4. Austria (RP of 06/18/2021 No.1649-r)
  5. Azerbaijan (RP of 02/03/2021 No. 28-r)
  6. Bahamas (RP No. 3003-r dated 10/23/2021)
  7. Bahrain (RP of 04.08.2021 No.2156-r)
  8. Belgium (RP of 28.06.2021 No. 1745-r)
  9. Bulgaria (RP of 28.06.2021 No. 1745-r)
  10. China (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) (RP No. 1745-r dated 06/28/2021)
  11. Colombia (RP No. 2770-r dated 02.10.2021)
  12. Croatia (RP of 06/18/2021 No. 1649-r)
  13. Cuba (RP of 14.10.2020 No. 2649-r)
  14. Cyprus (RP No. 1745-r dated 06/28/2021)
  15. Czech Republic (RP of 28.07.2021 No.2084-r)
  16. Denmark (RP No. 2770-r dated 02.10.2021)
  17. Djibouti (RP of 02.10.2021 No.2770-r)
  18. Dominican Republic (RP of 04.06.2021 No. 2156-r)
  19. Egypt (RP No. 2236-r dated 02.09.2020)
  20. Ethiopia (RP of 13.11.2020 No. 2968-r)
  21. Finland (RP of 25.01.2021 No. 136-r)
  22. France (RP No. 2084-r dated 07/28/2021)
  23. Germany (RP No. 814-r dated 31.03.2021)
  24. Great Britain (RP of 01.08.2020 No. 1997-r)
  25. Greece (RpOT 12.02.2021 No. 329-r)
  26. Hungary (RP of 18.06.2021 No. 1649-r)
  27. Iceland (RP of 05/24/2021 No. 1342-r)
  28. India (RP No. 136-r dated 25.01.2021)
  29. Iran (RP No. 3003-r dated 10/23/2021)
  30. Iraq (RP No. 2627-r dated 09/21/2021)
  31. Ireland (RP of 06/28/2021 No. 1745-r)
  32. Italy (RP of 06/28/2021 No. 1745-r)
  33. Japan (RP No. 2649-r dated 14.10.2020)
  34. Jordan (RP No. 1745-r dated 06/28/2021)
  35. Kazakhstan (RP No.2406-r dated 09/20/2020)
  36. Kenya (RP No. 2627-r dated 09/21/2021)
  37. Kuwait (RP of 02.10.2021 No. 2770-r)
  38. Kyrgyzstan (RP No. 2406-r dated 09/20/2020)
  39. Lebanon (RP No. 1649-r dated 06/18/2021)
  40. Liechtenstein (RP No. 1745-r dated 28.6.2021)
  41. Luxembourg (RP of 14.05.2021 No. 1610-r).
  42. Maldives (RP of 02.09.2920 No. 2236-r)
  43. Malta (RP of 24.05.2021 No. 1342-r)
  44. Mauritius (RP of 13.06.2021 No.1649-r)
  45. Mexico (RP No. 1342-r dated 05/24/2021)
  46. Moldova (RP of 04.08.2621 No.2156-r)
  47. Morocco (RP of 18.06.2021 No. 1649-r)
  48. Netherlands (RP of 23.10.2021 No. 3003-r)
  49. New Zealand (RP No. 2770-r dated 02.10.2021)
  50. North Macedonia (RP No. 1745-r dated 06/28/2021)
  51. Norway (RP No. 3003-r dated 23.10.2021)
  52. Oman (RP No.3003-r dated 23.10.2021)
  53. Peru (RP No. 2770-r dated 02.10.2021)
  54. Portugal (RP No. 1342-r dated 05/24/2021)
  55. Qatar (RP No.136-r dated 25.01.2021)
  56. Republic of Korea (RP No. 2406-r dated 05/20/2020)
  57. Saudi Arabia (RP No. 1342-r dated 05/24/2021)
  58. Serbia (RP No.2649-r dated 14.10.2020)
  59. Seychelles (RP No.2968-r dated 13.11.2020)
  60. Singapore (RP No. 329-r dated 12.02.2021)
  61. Slovakia (RP No. 2627-r dated 09/21/2021)
  62. Slovenia (RP of 09/21/2021 No.3003-r)
  63. South Africa (RP of 02.10.2021 No. 2770-r)
  64. Spain (RP of 09/21/2021 2527-r)
  65. Sri Lanka (RP of 31.03.2021 No. 814-r)
  66. Sweden (RP of 23.10.2021 No. 3003-r)
  67. Switzerland (RP of 01.08.2020 No. 1997-r)
  68. Syria (RP No. 374-r dated 03/31/2021)
  69. Tajikistan (RP of 31.03.2021 No. 814-r)
  70. Tanzania (RP of 01.08.2020 No. 1997-r)
  71. Thailand (RP of 23.10.2021 No. 3003-r)
  72. Tunisia (RP of 23.10.2021 No. 3003-r)
  73. Turkey (RP of 01.08.2020 No. 1997-r)
  74. United Arab Emirates (RP No. 2236-r dated 02.09.2020)
  75. USA (RP of 06/28/2021 No. 1745-r)
  76. Uzbekistan (RP of 31.03.2021 No. 814-r)
  77. Venezuela (RP No. 814-r dated 31.03.2021)
  78. Vietnam (RP No. 136-r dated 25.01.2021)

我的国家不在名单上,但我需要前往俄罗斯 ?

如果您的国家不在开放边境国家的名单上,那么在这种情况下,您可以申请特别邀请函,以获得单次、两次或多次入境签证, 从而获得入境的机会。签发邀请函需要12至30个工作日。  询问报价

为什么该服务需要我的个人数据 ?

您的全名、出生日期和护照信息是签发邀请函所必需的信息。您可以自行决定何时从系统中删除您的个人数据,您只需要删除个人账户即可。在您申请的签证到期一周后,系统将自动删除您的数据。数据的处理是根据中国和俄罗斯相关法律设定的。 同意进行个人数据处理

在填写签证表格时,为什么要求我提供邀请函确认号码和编号 ?




CitizenshipDo I need a visa
Australiaa visa is required
Austriaa visa is required
Azerbaijando not need a visa
Azoresa visa is required
Aland Islandsa visa is required
Albaniaa visa is required
Algeriaa visa is required
U.S. Virgin Islandsa visa is required
American Samoaa visa is required
Anguillaa visa is required
Angolaa visa is required
Andorraa visa is required
Antigua and Barbudaa visa is required
Argentinado not need a visa
Armeniado not need a visa
Afghanistana visa is required
The Bahamasa visa is required
Bangladesha visa is required
Barbadosa visa is required
Bahraina visa is required
Belizea visa is required
Belarusdo not need a visa
Belgiuma visa is required
Benina visa is required
Ivory Coasta visa is required
Bermudaa visa is required
Bulgariaa visa is required
Boliviado not need a visa
Bosnia and Herzegovinado not need a visa
Botswanaa visa is required
Brazildo not need a visa
British Virgin Islandsa visa is required
Brunei Darussalamdo not need a visa
Burkina Fasoa visa is required
Burundia visa is required
Bhutana visa is required
Vanuatudo not need a visa
Great Britaina visa is required
Hungarya visa is required
Venezuelado not need a visa
East Timora visa is required
Vietnama visa is required
Gabona visa is required
Haitia visa is required
Guyanado not need a visa
Gambiaa visa is required
Ghanaa visa is required
Guadeloupe, Guyana, Mayotte, Martinique, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, French Polynesiaa visa is required
Guatemalado not need a visa
Guinea-Bissaua visa is required
Germanya visa is required
Gibraltara visa is required
Hondurasdo not need a visa
Grenadado not need a visa
Greecea visa is required
Georgiaa visa is required
Guama visa is required
Denmarka visa is required
Democratic Republic of the Congoa visa is required
Djiboutia visa is required
Dominikado not need a visa
Dominican Republica visa is required
Egypta visa is required
Zambiaa visa is required
Zimbabwea visa is required
Israeldo not need a visa
Indiaa visa is required
Indonesiaa visa is required
Jordana visa is required
Iraqa visa is required
Irana visa is required
Irisha visa is required
Icelanda visa is required
Spaina visa is required
Italya visa is required
Yemena visa is required
Cape Verdea visa is required
Kazakhstando not need a visa
Cayman Islandsa visa is required
Cambodiaa visa is required
Cameroona visa is required
Canadaa visa is required
Canary Islandsa visa is required
Caribbean: Curacao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, the Dutch part of the island of Saint Martin and Arubaa visa is required
Qatara visa is required
Kenyaa visa is required
Cyprusa visa is required
Kyrgyzstando not need a visa
Kiribatia visa is required
Chinaa visa is required
North KOREAa visa is required
Colombiado not need a visa
Comorosa visa is required
Costa Ricado not need a visa
Cubado not need a visa
Kuwaita visa is required
Laosdo not need a visa
Latviana visa is required
Lesothoa visa is required
Liberiaa visa is required
Lebanona visa is required
Libyaa visa is required
Lithuaniaa visa is required
Liechtensteina visa is required
Luxembourga visa is required
Mauritiusdo not need a visa
Mauritaniaa visa is required
Madagascara visa is required
Macedoniado not need a visa
Malawivisa required visa
Malaysiarequired visa
Republic of Maldivesdo not need a visa
Maltaa visa is required
Moroccoa visa is required
Marshall Islandsa visa is required
Mexicoa visa is required
Mozambiquea visa is required
Moldovado not need a visa
Monacoa visa is required
Mongoliado not need a visa
Montserrata visa is required
Myanmara visa is required
Namibiaa visa is required
Naurudo not need a visa
Nepala visa is required
Nigera visa is required
Nigeriaa visa is required
Netherlandsa visa is required
Nicaraguado not need a visa
Niuea visa is required
New Zealanda visa is required
Norwaya visa is required
UAEdo not need a visa
Omana visa is required
The Island of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunhaa visa is required
Cook Islandsa visa is required
Pakistana visa is required
Palaudo not need a visa
Palestinea visa is required
Panama hatdo not need a visa
Papua New Guineaa visa is required
Paraguaydo not need a visa
Perudo not need a visa
Pitcairna visa is required
Polanda visa is required
Portugala visa is required
Puerto Ricoa visa is required
Republic of Guineaa visa is required
Republic of the Congoa visa is required
Republic of Koreado not need a visa
Republic of Ivory Coasta visa is required
Rwandaa visa is required
Romaniaa visa is required
El Salvadordo not need a visa
Samoado not need a visa
San Marinoa visa is required
Sao Tome and Principea visa is required
Saudi Arabiaa visa is required
Swazilanda visa is required
Northern Mariana Islandsa visa is required
Seychellesdo not need a visa
Senegala visa is required
Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesdo not need a visa
Saint Kitts and Nevisdo not need a visa
Saint Luciaa visa is required
Serbiado not need a visa
Singaporea visa is required
Syriaa visa is required
Slovakiaa visa is required
Sloveniaa visa is required
Solomon Islandsa visa is required
Somaliaa visa is required
Hong Kong Special Administrative Regiondo not need a visa
Macao Special Administrative Regiondo not need a visa
Sudana visa is required
Surinamea visa is required
USAa visa is required
Sierra Leonea visa is required
Tajikistando not need a visa
Thailanddo not need a visa
Tanzaniaa visa is required
Turks and Caicosa visa is required
Togoa visa is required
Tokelaua visa is required
Tongaa visa is required
Trinidad and Tobagoa visa is required
Tristan da Cunhaa visa is required
Tuvalua visa is required
Tunisiaa visa is required
Turkmenistana visa is required
Turkeya visa is required
Ugandaa visa is required
Uzbekistando not need a visa
Ukrainedo not need a visa
Uruguaydo not need a visa
Federated States of Micronesiaa visa is required
Fijido not need a visa
Philippinesa visa is required
Finlanda visa is required
Falkland Islandsa visa is required
Francea visa is required
Croatiaa visa is required
TSARa visa is required
Chada visa is required
Montenegrodo not need a visa
Czech Republica visa is required
Chiledo not need a visa
Switzerlanda visa is required
Swedena visa is required
Sri Lankaa visa is required
Ecuadordo not need a visa
Equatorial Guineaa visa is required
Eritreaa visa is required
Estoniaa visa is required
Ethiopiaa visa is required
South AFRICAdo not need a visa
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islandsa visa is required
South Ossetiado not need a visa
Jamaicado not need a visa
Japana visa is required

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy is based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EU (General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR).

This Privacy Policy describes how Scantravel OÜ will process your personal data when you enter your data onto the RUSVISA.travel / KOLOBOK.online system at https://rusvisa.travel/, thereby accepting the General Terms and Conditions and entering into the agreement with Scantravel OÜ for issuing invitation letters and applying for visas to enter the Russian Federation.

Your personal data that we process may contain the following information: agreement related information (full name, personal ID and contact details of the signatory, payment details, identity document data or other information as mentioned in the agreement); contact details (i.e., email address and phone number); and other data you may specify.

We process your personal data solely for the purposes of fulfilling the agreement we have with you for issuing invitation letters and applying for visas to enter and stay in the Russian Federation.

We also process personal data for carrying out customer satisfaction surveys and improving the quality, availability and range of the services we deliver.

Grounds for Processing Personal Data 

Scantravel OÜ processes your personal data to enter into agreements and deliver the services in accordance with the agreement between Scantravel OÜ and you.

Scantravel OÜ may also process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests. The legitimate interest is to improve the quality, availability and range of the services provided to our customers. Scantravel OÜ may also process your personal data in order to fulfill its statuary duties.

Personal Data Transfer

Scantravel OÜ may provide access to personal data for an agency or a individual with the legitimacy to have the same.

Scantravel OÜ may provide access to your personal data for any authorized controller whose services are indispensable for Scantravel OÜ to fulfill its obligations to you. Scantravel OÜ has contractual relationships with third parties to enable delivery of IT services.

Use of Cookies

Like most other web pages, the web pages and e-environment at https://rusvisa.travel/ use cookies. The use of cookies is derived from all of the above-mentioned legal grounds, i.e., we need them to fulfill our statuary duties, ensure the quality of our services as set forth in the agreement, offer more customized and handy services and also for the marketing purposes, subject to your consent.

Cookies are small text files that are placed on the user's computer via the e-environment server. As a result, the web browser may send cookie data back to the e-environment every time a user uses the e-environment in order to identify this user.

You may choose to disable cookies in the browser settings However, you should be aware that in some cases it may slow down scrolling or reduce the functionality of, or prevent access to certain web pages.

Cookies enable us to combine data we receive and information about you we may otherwise obtain, e.g., information regarding the services you use.

Our web pages may contain links to any third party web page, product or service, or social media extensions (e.g., Facebook or Google Analytics plugins) for marketing and statistics. The third-party services or applications on our web pages are subject to the third-party data protection rules.

Data Retention Period 

Your personal data will be stored in a format enabling your identification only as long as it is reasonably necessary for the purpose of collecting personal data or warranted by legitimate interest of Scantravel OÜ, provided that legitimate interest of Scantravel OÜ and interference with the rights and freedoms of the data subject are balanced.

The data retention period is one (1) year from the date of your last login to the system and/or data update of the customer whose personal data has been already placed on the system. 

Once the retention period is over, we will destroy your hard-copy personal data and delete your soft-copy personal data.

Your Rights With Respect To Your Personal Data 

Scantravel OÜ guarantees all the rights of data subjects that may arise under applicable laws and will take any necessary and adequate organizational or technical step in order to protect your personal data against unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, or other illegal actions any third party may take in respect of your personal data. In case of processing your personal data, you have the following rights:

The Privacy Policy is subject to the applicable laws of the Estonian Republic.

Should you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or about how Scantravel OÜ processes your personal data, or if you wish to file a claim or complaint relating to the processing of your personal data or to exercise your rights, please contact Scantravel OÜ at:


Scantravel OÜ (reg.nr. 12063112)
Address: ad. Laki tn 32-214, Tallinn, 12915        

